
Showing posts from January, 2020



Cubism Questions

Your assignment is to think through and record the steps that Stephen McNally went through to create his image "The Tourist" (above). List the steps on your Blogs and answer the following questions... Took a bunch of different pictures from different angles and different times of the day. Photoshop and add enhancements to each picture. Put all of the pictures together. Edit the position of the pictures to make what the place looked like. How many photographs do you think were used in the composition? I think there were about 30-40 photographs used in the composition. Were all of the photos taken at the same time of day? No, some pictures looker darker than others which tells us that it could be night time in those. Are there any obvious post-processing (Photoshop) enhancements? The color looks more rustic and saturated in the pictures so those were the enhancements. Any other considerations? The area he took a picture of was really nice.