
Showing posts from December, 2019

Semester 1 Exam

How does this change in viewpoint change your interpretation of the image? What do you see? Describe it as if you were recounting it in detail to someone who had never seen it. Think about the scale--how could the size affect the meaning?  Think about the material, the logistics and engineering of mounting it.  Is it one contiguous image or is it spliced together or can't you tell?  Think about the location--is it urban? Rural? Residential? Industrial? Given the image's location, who do you think will see the it? Who is the intended audience? Describe the mood of the image. What is the expression on the girl's face? Is it blase? Is it engaged? Is it optimistic? Wondering? Melancholy?  Finally, consider the title "The Last Girl". What do you think the title suggests?  From seeing the whole image now I see that it is a man climbing on a wall that has the girl's face on it. The wall that the picture of the girl is hanging off of it about 7 stories tall. The im

Semester 1 Reflection

I)  Write a paragraph in response to each of the following as they relate to you and your perception of your class experience:  Quality of Your Work Effort Participation Improvement Adjustment  Address the sub-topics in the bullet points below but  do not write a list –this should be more of a narrative, describing your thoughts about your work in this class so far. 1. Quality of work · your actual images (contrast, focus, composition) · quality of your subject matter · fulfilling the assignment · paying attention to the objective of the assignment (and taking it further) · proper format and resolution · completing your work on time  · going beyond your first idea(s) The quality of my work was pretty good but I’d say I could’ve done better. My images were pretty good, I always tried to take pictures from different angles and perspectives. When doing my assignments I always made sure I fulfilled the requirements. My work was always done on time and I went beyond my first i

Gottfried Helnwein Response

Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph? In the photograph a man is climbing a woman's face. I think the image is an artistic image. The image is photoshopped because a little man cannot be climbing a women's face. I believe that the man is a lice bug and climbing the woman's hair because she hasn't washed it in awhile. I think the photographer's intent was a journey that the man was taking. The difference in scale leads you as the audience to believe that the man is climbing her face.

Spacey Transfiguration
