How does this change in viewpoint change your interpretation of the image?What do you see? Describe it as if you were recounting it in detail to someone who had never seen it. Think about the scale--how could the size affect the meaning?  Think about the material, the logistics and engineering of mounting it.  Is it one contiguous image or is it spliced together or can't you tell? Think about the location--is it urban? Rural? Residential? Industrial? Given the image's location, who do you think will see the it? Who is the intended audience? Describe the mood of the image. What is the expression on the girl's face? Is it blase? Is it engaged? Is it optimistic? Wondering? Melancholy? Finally, consider the title "The Last Girl". What do you think the title suggests? 

From seeing the whole image now I see that it is a man climbing on a wall that has the girl's face on it. The wall that the picture of the girl is hanging off of it about 7 stories tall. The image is one contiguous image because they didn't have to put any of the pieces together. The area is industrial because of the buildings. The intended audience is for people driving. The mood of the image is melancholy.


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