Dear Past Self

Dear Alyssa,
                 Hey past self! I'm you but from the future! This year you're going to have so much fun in creative photography this year. I'm here to tell you a few things you need to know to be successful in this class. First, NEVER procrastinate, its always good to turn your work in on time in this class. Also, always listen to Mr.Klein when he is explaining a new project. When thinking of new ideas don't use your first idea because chances are someone is going to have the same idea you have. Try and make sure you really try your best with your projects because some things that you think might not turn out good can turn out to be really beautiful. 

                My best project is the one below. It was my semester one final. I believe that it fulfilled the assignment because I made the rose and butterflies out of paper and it wasn't a completely photoshopped picture.



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